Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ocean? Not so much...

Today Vince and I had a big scare while we were in the water.  I just want to let you know what happened, not scare you, so don't worry too much.  

We had been in the water earlier and seaweed was blowing in.  It was nice, but not as clear as I remembered from being there before.  As I was laying by the beach, Vince went into the water a little deeper.  He came back and told me that it was really clear and we should go back in.  We noticed the red flag on the shore, but didn't pay much attention because there were tons of other people swimming.
Our first clue should have been the flag.  Second, Vince's glasses got knocked off of his head when a wave hit.  He thought it was fun.  He said he had never seen a bigger wave.
I didn't know that before I went out.  We could tell the waves were bigger, but we're in a Florida beach mindset, where it's still pretty calm, even after the big waves roll in.
We walk out into the water and apparently get sucked into a rip tide (which is exactly WHY the red flag is on the beach).  I won't go into details because it will scare you to death (it did us!).

It was our fault for being in the water, but we didn't take it seriously because others were there and we really didn't know the flag color codes.

From now on, it is sitting on beach or by pool only.  We might get in to our ankles, but that's it. The Caribbean Sea is NOTHING like the ocean at home.

BUT--the good news is that we are fine.  We're not hurt--just drinking water a lot to rehydrate from all of the salt.  We learned our lesson and we are okay.  God is good!

We went to a Christmas Party tonight.  They brought orphans from the "Army Salvation"(that's how they say it) to sing Spanish Christmas carols.  It was really sad, but they were so cute. There was even one little Mexican boy that reminded us of Vince when he was little.  The food was not so good this time, so we are going to order room service in a minute and get into our balcony jacuzzi.  

Hopefully, no more adventures for us! 

Blogger won't let me upload any pictures.  Will try later.



Tishy said...

I told you not to go in too deep..... What happened? My heart is still in my chest. I had just checked to see if you had posted and emailed you instead. You all are killing me here. RED is never a good color on a flag! Awww a mother never wants to hear these things. I do so love you though and yes God is good.

Wanda said...

Hey you two wanted to say hi and don't go near the water anymore. Stay at least 20 feet from it and lay by the pool. You scare us to death. I hope your having a good time everyone around here is fine. Have a very Merry Christmas and we love you and stay safe! Are you coming home Sun? Love you all...Aunt wanda

Susan and Vince said...

I hope this will post as a comment. We don't know yet if we're coming home Sunday or not. Trying to get some extra time. We didn't go in the water at all today. Merry Christmas and love you all.