Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The plot thickens...

As we were trying to leave the resort yesterday to come here, we met another couple who was having the same difficulty.  We found them here yesterday, and find out that they paid NOTHING to switch, while we paid A LOT.  On top of the millions (it seems) that we already spent.  

We are under the impression that we will get our money back, which is why we went ahead and paid.  We weren't wasting another day of our vacation.

I am furious.  Mom and Dad tried to call and they wouldn't even talk to them because they didn't have our credit card number.  Funny, because Roger didn't have that problem.

I cannot get in touch with the US reps, but I did talk to a lady in Cancun and she swears she will talk to a supervisor and get back to us.

We said we want extended time here (because this makes DAY THREE of this crap) as well as our money back.

Hope it will happen, but it's not looking optimistic.

Dad--please use your "attitude" to help us!

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