Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wow. Just Wow.

So our trip is off to a rocky start.  Isn't that always the case?  Our flight from Lexington to Chicago was fine.  We paid $70 to eat at O'Hare because we were starving and couldn't find anything.  We went to an Italian restaurant, thinking we would have time to sit and eat in between our flights.  We barely made it.  Flight to Tampa was really turbulent--there were several collective screams as we kept "dropping" due to wind.  It was pretty scary.  We got to baggage claim around eleven to find out that Mom's luggage is STILL IN CHICAGO.  Don't worry, they will deliver it as soon as possible (but they do have at least 24 hours to get it to her).  She has nothing.  Only had her purse as a carry on.  The good news is that I have some things that she can wear until she can get her things back.  We're hoping that it doesn't come back damaged with everything missing.  If it does, though, we're going shopping!  That might be fun.  

After waiting around to try to see if her luggage MIGHT be on the next flight coming in (at 1 am) and waiting for the rental car, we finally got to the island around 1:30.  We went to go pick up the keys and found the place.  The problem was, there were four units, and we didn't know which one was ours.  We rented directly with the owner and forgot to ask!  The key didn't have the unit number on it.  So we're there at 2 am trying to figure out which unit might possibly be empty (hard to do with no lights on anywhere).  We found the one that we thought was supposed to be our rental, but the key wouldn't work.  We were afraid to jiggle it too much and alarm someone if it wasn't our unit, so we tried to call the emergency numbers we had.  We did get in touch with the rental company, who took down our name and then hung up (never to be heard from again).  We decided to try the lock again and take our chances.  It doesn't really "fit", but after forcing it, the door finally opened.

And then there is the actual unit.  Really small, really old.  Not really clean at all.  We got a good deal but we're kind of afraid to take our shoes off.  Oh, and the air conditioning doesn't work!  YAY!

We've called and they're "sending someone to fix it."  The rental car's key fob is falling apart (and it's a Magnum that takes a special key to start it).  If it breaks, we're done.  

So between waiting for Mom's luggage, waiting for the repairman, and waiting for the car to fall apart, we're having a GREAT time!  Can you tell I'm bitter (and having female problems)?

Now that I've vented...I'm going to let it go, enjoy the sun and the beach.  It is still as beautiful as ever.  I'll try to post some pictures later.


Tishy said...

you all are not allowed to go on vacation anymore! Without me that is to join in on the totsl misery.

Tell Kathy she needs to always have a carry on with essentials. I did not have one one time or let me say I had one but had non essentials in the carry on and that is when they last my luggage and stole my ring. Then again what does she need. Get a bathing suit and stay on the beach.

Hope all is solved and weather is beautiful and you can relax! fourth fourth fourth graders.

Meanwhile in TN we are working away. Scrubbing and packing. So things could be much worse.

Love ya lots!

Tishy said...

OOps just saw all of the typos. I was in a hurry because I was sneaking a break.

Susan and Vince said...

I know--I am just being dramatic as always.

Unknown said...

What botha youse SHOULDA
sed was this (learn this prayer
and join me Upstairs for a
Big-Ol beer and we'll tok bout
celebrating our eternal resurrection):

This is a prayer
for everyone,
as it's Catholic
which means 'Universal';
you say the 2-3 minute prayer at
6pm everyday:

"And the angel of the Lord
declared unto Mary and she
conceived by the Holy Spirit..."
[Hail Mary, full of Grace...]

"Behold, the handmaid of the Lord, be
it done unto me according to Thy Word"
[Hail Mary, full of Grace...]

"And the Word was made Flesh...
and dwelt among us"
[Hail Mary, full of Grace...]

"O God whose Only Begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of Eternal Life, grant we beseech Thee, that through mediatation upon this Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they offer and obtain what they promise through the same Christ our Lord. Amen"

A plethora of opportunities
await each of U.S. who proclaim
that simple message.

trustNjesus, earthling.
God bless your indelible soul.
Yes, Im an NDE.
Any questions?

Unknown said...

What botha youse SHOULDA
sed was this (learn this prayer
and join me Upstairs for a
Big-Ol beer and we'll tok bout
celebrating our eternal resurrection):

This is a prayer
for everyone,
as it's Catholic
which means 'Universal';
you say the 2-3 minute prayer at
6pm everyday:

"And the angel of the Lord
declared unto Mary and she
conceived by the Holy Spirit..."
[Hail Mary, full of Grace...]

"Behold, the handmaid of the Lord, be
it done unto me according to Thy Word"
[Hail Mary, full of Grace...]

"And the Word was made Flesh...
and dwelt among us"
[Hail Mary, full of Grace...]

"O God whose Only Begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of Eternal Life, grant we beseech Thee, that through mediatation upon this Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they offer and obtain what they promise through the same Christ our Lord. Amen"

A plethora of opportunities
await each of U.S. who proclaim
that simple message.

trustNjesus, earthling.
God bless your indelible soul.
Yes, Im an NDE.
Any questions?